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Vestax DSL-1

Vestax DSL-1

Original LED lamp with RCA connector base is designed for all Vestax PDX turntables. The brilliant white light of the LED lamp ensures the perfect lighting of the turntable on the Vestax turntable plate, where the turntable meets the stylus.

Code: 4516184242052
€ 46.00
Availability: sold out

 Original Japan  Originální náhradní díly  Snadná montáž    
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For Vestax turntables of the PDX series, there was designed a special LED lamp with a connector base in the form of a standard RCA type audio connectors. Used for high-quality illumination of the turntable workspace, especially where the stylus of the pickup meets LP vinyl. The lamp body is made of hardened ABS plastic in black colour. It is fitted with one 2W LED HQ circular element. Bright white LED light with optimum color temperature guarantees the user the perfect illumination of the LP vinyl on the Vestax turntable plate and it gives you a perfect overview and orientation (what happens at the point of contact stylus of the pickup with the LP vinyl). Thanks to LED technology, the lamp has a longer lifespan than conventional lamps. Through to the connector base, which is designed on RCA type audio connectors, it is very easy to remove LED lamp. DSL-1 has universal use for all Vestax turntables PDX-2000 / PDX-3000 Series. Retail version.

infoideaUse only original Vestax LED lamps. Otherwise, it may damage the electronics circuitry of turntable.



  • original Japan LED lamp with connection base in the form of a standard RCA connector
  • universal use for all PDX-2000 and PDX-3000 Series turntables
  • optimum emiting color temperature 5.600 °K
  • strictly power voltage DC 12 V / 20 mA
  • easy assembly and disassembly
  • retail version



Slot RCA connector
Housing ABS hardened and shaped
Optic.element 1x LED HQ circular 2 W
Chromaticity 5.600° K
Power voltage 12 V
Supply current 20 mA = (direct current)
Dimension ø 8 x 41 mm
Weight 15 g (netto)




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  1. DOTAZ (Fandy, 13 Dec 2015 11:38:41) Reply | Show replies

    Můžu tu lampičku použít na jiném gramci než Vestax který má stejnou patici?

    1. Re: DOTAZ (ADMIN, 16 Jan 2017 18:14:28) Reply

      LED lampičku DSL-1 doporučujeme používat výhradně s gramofony zn. Vestax. Jiné typy gramofonů mohou mít odlišné hodnoty napájení atd., tím byste lampičku mohl poškodit. To platí i obráceně, při použití neoriginálních lampiček hrozí poškození obvodů napájecí části osvětlení gramofonu.

  2. Úprava pro QFO (Roman Vališka, 3 Apr 2016 13:26:48) Reply | Show replies

    Dobrý den, mohu lampičku použít pro gramofon QFO kde mám vyvedený konektor pro osvětlení?

    1. Re: Úprava pro QFO (ADMIN, 16 Jan 2017 18:14:00) Reply

      Pokud máte stejnou patici RCA a vývod odpovídá parametrům LED lampičky (napájení =5V, zapojení + dle schématu QFO el. obvodů). Raději kontaktujte náš HelpDesk.

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