Vestax TPS-580
For PMC-580Pro digital professional mixers designed original toogle switches, push-lock switches or slide select switches Vestax Japan, atypical spare parts or non-standard replaceable parts. All this parts original bespoke directly for specialized services. In general, there are 3 types of Vestax switches for PMC-580Pro: toogle switches (TS), two key type of push-lock switches: push switches / push backlit switches (PS); slide select switches located on rear panel of mixer (SS). The manufacturer strongly cautions: installation of such a non-standard services replaceable parts requires professional competence. This products is manufactured in Japanese standards. Please check the specification carefully before you order.
CAUT!ON: use only genuine original Vestax spare parts. Otherwise, the device may be permanently damaged!
NOT!CE: installation of such a non-standard services replaceable parts requires professional competence!
NOTE: for check compliance of part for which you order, specify also in Order NOTE
- for PMC-580Pro digital club mixer original Vestax replaceable toogle switches, push switches, slide switches
- atypical or non-standard services replaceable Japanese parts, directly for specialized services
- PGM INS (INPUT SELECT PHONO n/ LINE n/ for each PGM channel toogle switch)
- PGM SWT (EFFECT SW TYPE - select slide fine switch for each PGM channel)
- PGM AD (ANALOG / DIGITAL slide switch for PGM channel - on rear panel) *
- PGM EQS (EQ SELECT 3-POS small toogle switch for each PGM channel)
- PGM EFF (EFFECT SEL. 1-6 push backlit switch for each PGM channel)
- PGM CUE (MONITOR CUE push backlit switch for each PGM channel)
- PGM CFA (CF ASSIGN select slide switch for each PGM channel)
- MST BAT (MASTER Section: BEAT soft-fine push type switch)
- MST TCT (MASTER Section: TAP COUNT push type switch)
- MST AUT (MASTER Section: AUTO TAP small push switch)
- MST ASN (MASTER Sect: EFFECT ASSIGN toogle switch)
- MST CUE (MASTER Section: CUE push backlit type switch)
- MST EFF (MASTER Section: EFF ON/OFF push backlit)
- MIC TLK (MIC INPUT TALKOVER push backlit switch)
- BTH CUE (BOOTH CUE / MASTER toogle switch)
Vestax Power Supply Unit - manual (533 kB)
General table of Spare parts Vestax (349 kB)
Table of Compatibility CF, IF, RF, PSU Vestax (1,85 MB)
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