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Vestax DF-17 Pro KIT

Vestax DF-17 Pro KIT

Replacement original Japan DF-17 Pro KIT for professional mixers PMC-17A  / PMC-170A / PMC-27 / PMC-270A / PCV-175 / PCV-275 Series*. KIT with 1 rotating channel faders consists of high quality ALPS™ Japan rotary fader and top cover panel with large aluminum knobs. They are suitable for some characters and styles of music mixing.

Code: 4516184250286
€ 89.00
Availability: sold out


				náhradní díly  Doporučeno využít autoriz.servis  Original Japan   ENGLISH DATASHEET 


Vestax DF-17 Pro KIT are replacement ALPS™ rotary input faders completely mounted on a PCB board with MOLEX / JST connectors with a top cover panel and it is equipped large aluminum knobs with marked line (groove) to fit the mixers PMC-17A  / PMC-170A / PMC-27 / PMC-270A / PCV-175* / PCV-275* Series (KIT incl. 1 channel HQ rotary fader). Rotary fader are supplied as KIT assembled. They are designed for easy user replacement instead of original factory INPUT CHANNEL SLIDE FADERS. They are suitable for some characters and styles of music mixing.

N O T I C E:  For specialized service repairs we have on sale PART versions - small service for Vestax DF-17 Pro KIT. They are factory assembled PCBs desk with original ALPS Japan rotary potentiometers and MOLEX/JST connectors for quick connection on the mixers mainboard, fitted like DF-17 Pro KIT. Type named Vestax SRF-309G ALPS. For purchase original rotary knob for DF KIT you must go to the "Knobs and Buttons section. Top cover panels are made exactly to measure! To do this, it is necessary to provide data to verify the dimensions of a particular mixing console,  where the KIT will be installed. Without this information, 100% TCP compatibility cannot be guaranteed. *) For mixers PCV-175/275 manufacturer recommended original faceplates PCV-175R / PCV-275R, Vestax DFK-175/275 faceplates. These faceplate panels must be ordered separately.

infoidea Tip: If you're not sure about the right choice, consult our customer support before your purchasing.

info-attention-icon.png NOTICE: This premium product is manufactured and assembled manually only to order.



  • replacement rotary 1-ch fader KIT for mixers PMC-17A / PMC-170A / PMC-27 / PMC-270A / PCV-175* / PCV-275* Series
  • precise quality and TOP performance of Vestax ALPS™ Alpine JAPAN brand professional faders
  • serves as a replacement for the factory slide fader fitted to the mixers listed above
  • quick user replacement with built-in MOLEX / JST connectors on PCB mainboard
  • *) for using with PCV-175 PCV-275 must be original faceplate 175R / 275R
  • it is equipped large aluminum knobs with marked line (groove)
  • top cover panels may differ by printed colored lines
  • top cover panels are made exactly to measure
  • package contains 1 pc of KIT (1 ch)



Type DF-17 Pro KIT designed for mixing consolles Vestax PMC-17A / PMC-170A / PMC-27 / PMC-270A / PCV-175 / PCV-275
Specification ALPS™ Japan rotary faders mounted on KIT, incl. large aluminium knobs DF-500 FXS
Design High Quality binary aluminium top cover panel, anodized gloss finish, color BLK
Connection JST 2.0 connectors on PCB´s  for connecting via cables
Dimension 45 x 112 x 98 mm (incl. shipping box)
Weight 0,125 g (btto)
Accessories 4 pcs screws M3, instructions to wiring



PDF soubor Tables of original spare parts & accessories Vestax (349 kB)
PDF soubor Tables compatibility CF, IF, PF, RF Vestax (1,85 MB)




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Comments - Overview

  1. DF-17 rotary kit (Ellis Valencia, 2 Mar 2021 01:52:00) Reply

    Hi, I am interested in a DF-17 rotary kit (need threee) to convert my PMC-17A into a rotary mixer. Do you plan on restocking? Also, do you have the items available in chrome to match the finish on my PMC-17A. Thanks!

  2. Mr (Cass, 26 Apr 2021 19:39:00) Reply

    Hi I have the pmc 270a in champagne/gold does the DF-17 rotary kit come in the same colour or is it black like in the picture? And when will they become available please. Cheers . Cass

  3. Df 17 pro kit (Eve Severe, 17 Apr 2024 21:50:12) Reply | Show replies

    I’m interested in ordering some rotary dials for my Vesta PMC – 170a. I don’t know if these need to be soldered on. You have other ones that are cheaper that say they need to be soldered on and I’m just trying to understand if these still need to be soldered onto the board or if they are some type of plug and play. Thank you is the

    1. Re: Df 17 pro kit (Vestax ADMIN, 18 Apr 2024 12:17:00) Reply

      Hello. There are 2 variants. Ready-made part DF-17Pro KIT (DF-27Pro KIT, DF-25Pro KIT) = plug-in or next variant KIT “Building” designed for services or more experienced users, that must be first completed by assembly & soldering. If it's a ready-made Pro KITs, these are user-replaceable. The replacement should be handled by a somewhat experienced user.

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