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30 July 2023

Break of store

Dear customers,

our Vestax Megastore - department SERVICE, WAREHOUSE & EXPEDITION will be completely down to September 15. This is only temporary measure due to relocation. We are taking this measure due to moving service dpt. to new premises (larger and more modern) so that we can increase order processing capacity (like refurbishing of Vestax products) and shorten delivery times for you.

UPDATED September 2, 2023

This break was originally planned for just a few days. Unfortunately, in addition, this break was negatively affected by the extreme bad weather named Saola. City paralysed by extreme floods from super-typhoon Saola (Friday 1 Sept) with winds reaching 220 kilometers per hour (140 miles per hour). He also destroyed the infrastructure of our key warehouse. Material stocks suffered great damage. Intensive work is beign done to eliminate the damage. Report about Saola also at The Guardian News.

At this moment we are unable to estimate when operations (like SERVICE, WAREHOUSE dpt.) will be fully restored. Everything will be online and running again maybe from October 30, 2023. Some orders may be delayed approx. over 2 ~ 3 month, exceptionally 4 months because of this break. We will compensate for delays in orders with additional discounts

UPDATED October 8, 2023

For new order (only spare parts): shipping of minor spare parts (up to 500 g weight btto) has been resumed and will be shipped from an alternate destination to the whole world. 

SERVICE dpt. does not accept new orders (repair, refurbishing) and will be online unfortunately with a longer delay from December 6, 2023 (as a result of the extensive damage our infrastructure caused by the typhoon Saola). Pending orders will then be gradually completed. 

Some still pending orders may be delayed approx. over 2 ~ 3 month, exceptionally 4 ~ 5 months because of this natural disasters.

Actually orders

You can check the status of the current order at any time in your Vestax User Account - instructions on how to do it - visit older article where is it described - click here. Please be patient. Thank you all for your support.

Stay with US.