How can I order Vestax products?
- You can buy the original Japanese Vestax spare parts and accessories directly at our megastore; we guarantee the highest quality and favorable prices. We ship worldwide. How to buy - detailed purchase description (in language English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Italiano, Português, Pусский, Česky) can be found on our website in primary section Shopping Guide.
 How can I find out the current status of my order online?
- After successfully submitting and paying for your order, you have received the login details for your Vestax customer USER ACCOUNT by email (that was automatically created for you when you submitted your order *). Use this login details USER ACCOUNT (* registered email + password) for login to your privat Vestax customer account. Here you will see an overview of all your orders. Click on the latest order to see next data - SUMMARY ORDER, CURRENT STATUS. Here you will find also data about shipping - when expected to ship, ID / tracking number for your parcel (once the carrier has picked it up). You will be automatically notified by email once the shipment is in transit to your country from the your local shipping company.
- Explanations of the used status abbreviations for the order in your online User Account / row NOTE:
date of expected stocking ( example: [EXP July 1st] ) |
date of scheduled dispatch ( example: [DISP July 1st] ) |
waiting for pickup shipment by carrier ( example: [WPC July 1st] ) |
date of delivery missing part for service ( example: [DMP July 1st] ) |
date of expected arrival of your shipment ( example: [ARR July 1st] ) |
 How to use discount voucher / coupon with code ?
- If you have received a special discount voucher / coupon with unique discount code, please enter its code at the end of your order - example of using discount voucher on websites or second example of using discount voucher on mobile sites version. After successful code verification, a confirmation that the code is valid is displayed and the discount will be applied to your summary of order = the order amount is recalculated automatically. Note: the discount voucher / coupon has higher priority than the product discount in the product section. You have to enter the code including any spaces if there are any (example: VESTAX 0000). If you enter the wrong code, an error message will be displayed.
 Do you send shipments to another countries ?
- Of course, yes. We ship worldwide. When ordering, you specify your destination. Transport costs are different by country of destination. The goods we send by valuable insured shipment. Please provide your address as accurately as possible. It will help to deliver shipment better and faster.
 Why processing some orders take a long time?
- Selected products are delivered directly from Asia and therefore their delivery times longer than usual. For someone Vestax spare parts, against it delivery times may be shorter, because they can be sent quickly as a standard shipment (due to small dimensions and low weight). Our Team works wonders, that it can still provide key original spare parts after 9 years since the bankruptcy of Japanese Vestax. Please be patient.
 How do I know about my order?
- If an order is successfully sent, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of your order at the email address you entered when registering. In order to verify the order, our staff will also contact you by phone. You will be informed by e-mail about the status of your order. If there is a "On order" or "On the way", symbol is colored the orange or yellow. We will inform you preferably by email of the approximate delivery date. General: your order status see online at your USER ACCOUNT (that was automatically created for you when you submitted your order).
 How long does it take to deliver the product B-Stock / C-Stock ?
- These are products from the demo warehouse / demonstrations / events. First you will receive confirmation of the reservation of the product B-Stock / C-Stock (if they were not yet in stock at the time of ordering) - via mail. Used product will arrive at our warehouse > we will hand it over to the service department. Next we will check the product, I will make any repairs so that we can provide a warranty for it. After checking the B-Stock / C-Stock product, we hand them over to distribution, where they take care of sending them. This process can take two to three weeks, in exceptional cases even one to several months (if it is a more complex refurbishing). These data are individual and can always be found in your Vestax Customer Account.
 Is it possible to obtain parts / services from you for free?
- Sorry but we are not a charity; on your purchases depends on whether our service will be available to all users running Vestax. After the collapse of the Japanese company we had to spend huge resources on know-how, spare parts inventory etc. Therefore, it is important, that all customers pay for the services. We are the only company in the world, that now provides service and complete original parts for Vestax brand.
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 Do you also offer some discounted goods?
- Yes. We regularly offer Vestax products at discounts either in seasonal sales or in sales, where products are either unpacked, returned by customers or products used for demonstration events and various exhibitions. These products are of course with warranty and their list of prices can be found in the section Discounts and Sale.
 Where can I find the Vestax pricelist?
- We do not issue the retail price list for Vestax products, and current prices are available at our Vestax eshop, where prices are continuously updated.
 It is possible to get the wholesale price B2B ?
- No, not currently possible to provide discounts for dealers in addition to discounts provided to end customers. If you have received a special discount coupon, please enter its code at the end of your order - example of using discount code. Notice: the discount coupon has higher priority than the product discount in the section.
 Why are some Vestax parts so expensive?
- Our store is not a ordinary store of which there are thousands - because we stock more than 1000 new fresh parts for the Vestax, that has long since disappeared. New fresh spare parts for brand Vestax that has not existed anywhere for more than 9 years they and new parts are produced in small QTY - therefore it is not possible to influence their high price (which is determined by the manufacturer). But it is also necessary to say that we are not charity - sales of parts are funding their new production. We are the only company in the world dedicated exclusively to the support of Vestax products, including the production and sale of new spare parts. Most of our customers have for understanding this fact for which we are very grateful.
 Is it possible to obtain parts / services from you for free?
- Sorry but we are not a charity; on your purchases depends on whether our service will be available to all users running Vestax. After the collapse of the Japanese company we had to spend huge resources on know-how, spare parts inventory etc. Therefore, it is important, that all customers pay for the services. We are the only company in the world, that now provides service and complete original parts for Vestax brand.
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 How can I pay my order?
- We accept preferably standart online credit / debet card payments via gateway (VISA, MASTERCARD) or bank transfer via WISE payments. Why? It's best and the cheapest for Vestax shoppers, no hidden fees and its the fastest and the safest method of payment. Bank transfer brings you faster order processing and cheaper shipping for you - worldwide. For payment via bank transfer you can use your bank, where you have an account or also international service to transfer money WISE (where you get an even better exchange rate in money transfer and payment is more secure, than using e.g. PayPal and allows also payment by your credit cards or debit cards. How using WISE, watch this video. For more information we recommend visit Payment Options section. PayPal option is valid only for established customers, who shop repeatedly in our Vestax store - automatic activation this option after the 3rd purchase.
 When do you send my ordered goods?
- The goods you ordered in our Megastore and paid by the chosen payment method will be delivered to you after you have credited your payment to our bank account. The fastest way of payment is therefore a bank transfer. Payment is credited within three-four business days or shorter (approx. two - five days); it depends on the destination from which the payment is made. After successfully submitting and paying for your order, you have received the login details for your Vestax customer USER ACCOUNT. Here, after a few days, you will also find the dates - also the date of the shipment.
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 How do you ship the goods?
- Methods of shipment ordered goods - there are several ways. The most used is the popular service Parcel Economy. It offers best price but is the slowest. Preferably we send the goods through the International Post Service (as a valuable shipment = insured international consignment). Another methods of sending the goods from our megastore is of course by UPS, FedEx, TNT, DHL Worldwide Services Parcel or DPD Services Parcel. This is the fastest way to deliver your shipment but it is also significantly more expensive. Details can be found in the section Shopping Guide.
 Why does transport take so long ?
- Selected products are delivered directly from Japan or our main warehouse in Hong Kong (China) facility and therefore their delivery times longer than usual. Please be patient. If the ordered goods are in Europe HUB (warehouse), we send them directly from there. For someone Vestax spare parts, against it delivery times may be shorter, because they can be sent quickly as a standard shipment (due to small dimensions and low weight). Check please special Adviser: possible reasons for the delay.
 Do you send shipments also to UK, Norway, South America, Australia, Pacific countries ?
- Of course yes. We ship goods to all countries of Europe, including United Kingdom or Ulster. We also send goods to the Nordic countries (e.g. Norway, Finland, Sweden) or the Baltic countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia). We also ship goods to North America and South America. We also ship smaller packages to Australia (shipments weighing up to 2 kg) or to South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile and other countries). We also ship to the Pacific countries (shipments weighing up to 2 kg).
 Do you send shipments to another countries ?
- Of course yes. We also ship goods to countries outside the Europe continent (we often send to Brazil or to the United States and Canada). When ordering, you specify your destination. Transport costs are different by country of destination. The goods we send by valuable insured shipment. The freight rate for countries (North and South America, Asia, Australia, Africa and Pacific region) is different, least 75 USD. Shipments are always insured parcel or if required by the customer, economically (shipping price from 35 USD).
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 Do you also offer some discounted goods?
- Yes. We regularly offer Vestax products at discounts either in seasonal sales or in sales, where products are either unpacked, returned by customers or products used for demonstration events and various exhibitions. These products are of course with warranty and their list of prices can be found in the section Discounts and Sale.
 If you do not have goods in stock, how long will it be available?
- We strive to continuously complement our distribution stock. Period can range from one to three-four weeks. Delivery dates vary by type of parts/goods. If you already have goods ordered with confirmation, the approximate dispatch / delivery date will be stated on Your Customer Account online (as soon as we know). Expected date of stocking of product "ON THE WAY" or "AT THE SUPPLIER" is indicated (in format MM-YY as pictogram) for every product in its eshop folder see example infographic.
 What does it mean, when I have information on the availability of "AT SUPPLIER"?
- The product marked "AT SUPPLIER" - this goods is on backorder at the manufacturer, now it is in production process. This product can be reserved by purchase. This reservation takes highest priority over other orders when the product is in stock again. Second possibility: it is located in our service center and is in the process of refurbishing (valid for items "B-Stock" or "C-Stock"). The expected stocking date is also indicated for the goods - see infographic: expected stocking date indicated in the round "EXPECTED" symbol under price tag.
 What does it mean, when I have information on the availability of "ON THE WAY"?
- The product marked "ON THE WAY" are in transit to our central warehouse. If you have already ordered the marked goods, the approximate delivery date will be announced for the relevant item in the e-shop (as soon as the date is known).
 What does it mean, when I see the availability of "BESPOKE"?
- The product marked "BESPOKE" are produced via manufacturer to order only. It is usually a small-lot or piece custom-made non commercial production. The delivery date varies according to the type of goods. If you have already ordered the marked goods, the approximate delivery date will be announced for the relevant item in the e-shop (as soon as the date is known).
 What does it mean, when I see the availability of "UNKNOWN"?
- The product marked "UNKNOWN" is currently sold out and we not confirmed from the manufacturer other pcs for sale in the near future (product unavailable on stock in the near future, availability on request). This product of course can be reserved by purchase, but we will not confirm the delivery date at this moment. This reservation takes highest priority over other orders when the product is in stock again. Availability may take a few months and dispatch date will be announced for the relevant item in the e-shop (as soon as the date is known).
 What does it mean, when a product is labeled in the shop "B-stock"?
- The product labeled as "B-stock" means, that product was unpacked, used at an exhibition or fair and repacked. No visible surface wear. Product 100% fully functional and tested before repacking. The package may be slightly damaged.
 What does it mean, when a product is labeled in the shop "C-stock"?
- The product labeled as "C-stock" means, that product was unpacked, used at an exhibition or fair more often. They could be minor surface scratches or signs of use. The package may be slightly damaged. Product 100% fully functional and tested before repacking.
 What does it mean, when a product has the letter "(d)" next to the product name?
- Letter "(d)" in parentheses is short attribute for discout offer. For example "Vestax HS-1 (d)". The product so labeled is discounted and listed in the section Discounts and outlet - see on our eshop menu.
 What does it mean, when a product has the letter "(r)" next to the product name?
- Letter "(r)" in parentheses is short attribute for products that have been refurbished. For example "Vestax PDX-2000 (r)". The product marked as such has been completely refurbished and is sold with a full warranty. This offer is very limited and in some cases such the product will be refurbished only after its purchase.
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 Where can I get latest software for Vestax devices?
The original software for each Vestax product should be attached to the package (CD-ROM with registration number or SW label with a number of key).
If you are buying a Vestax device from the bazaar (or already used), the seller should also provide you with the original installation CD-ROM with the software (or SW label with a original number of key) This rule is very important: seller must cancel its original registration with the SW manufacturer. If the seller does not cancel his own SW registration, then there will be problems with the your new registration (the same SW number of key).
The original software is usually available on the official website of the SW manufacturer (most often in the Download section). However, keep in mind that you need to download a SW version that is compatible with your Vestax hardware and firmware! Since Vestax Corporation ceased production ten years ago, it is not always the latest version of software, that will work correctly with your Vestax device.
 Where do I can download the User Service Manual or updates SW?
- User manuals for download can be found in the section MANUALS. The printed manual is always included with the newly purchased Vestax product. Every product supplied with us is accompanied by instructions, safety instructions, software and other information for consumers. If you need a different manual, or software update files or firmware or Vestax drivers, these services are available only at the appropriate fee. This service can be ordered in section Spare parts and accessories » Buy on e-shop.
 Why do I have to pay for a Manual download?
- According to the law, the customer will of course receive the printed manual automatically for each new Vestax product. This concerns cases where you want to download another manual (an electronic version of PDF) because you lost the original printed manual or you bought a product from the bazaar and the seller's manual did not ship. In this case, the customer has to pay a flat fee for this service. Buy on e-shop.
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 What is the Vestax brand warranty?
- The standard warranty period for Vestax products is 12 months. For some special marked products, the warranty can be extended to 24 or 36 months. Products that are labeled "custom-made" or "bespoke" in our e-shop are subject to a 12 month warranty. All spare parts and accessories are provided for 3 months warranty period. If it is used goods - sale with label "B-stock" or "C-stock", these products are provided for 6 months warranty period.
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 Where can I find the terms of the goods return?
- For detailed information on how to proceed with a return, please see our Complaints Procedure. Here you will find all information and forms for CP. See on section Complaint - Return Policy.
 How to proceed properly in case of a complaint?
- For detailed information on how to proceed with a complaint, please see our Complaints Procedure. The correct procedure for claiming, what your claim must include and what the goods should look like for a complaint sent by a shipping service or by mail can be found in this abridged. See on section Complaint - Return Policy.
 What should I do, if I received another part than I ordered?
- We inspected the shipment very thoroughly before shipping. All sent original parts correspond to your order according to the official Technical documents & Service specifications of the manufacturer Vestax Corporation, Japan. If a part does not match, the possible reason is as follows: the Japanese manufacturer has reserved the right to change it in the past without prior notice (during production in factory, they were able to change the specifications of the components used for some series and this change was not mentioned in the official Vestax Corp. Technical & Service documentation). We are sorry but we cannot be held responsible for such changes.
WHAT to do in such a case ? Take a several HD picture your old part thoroughly. At the same time, take a one-two pictures of the new part (that you received and that does not correspond to the old one). Send all pictures together with the SERVICE / COMPLAINT PROTOCOL (You can find this key protocol in the COMPLAINT - RETURN POLICY section). We will process your complaint: we will replace this part if possible - or we will advise you, on how to successfully implant a new Vestax part so that everything works properly (because most latest new Vestax parts are compatible).
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 Where can I get the Vestax product repaired?
- With our Vestax product, first you can contact local service center, where you purchased the device. If you can not find help, contact your Vestax national dealers, that have imported this brand into your country. If you do not succeed, then please contact our Helpdesk service. We will try to help you. Notice: this service may be subject to a charge, because we do not assume liability for third subjects.
 Do you repair older Vestax products, that are out of warranty?
- Yes, we repair the products until 1990, if spare parts are available. We have spare parts for some older Vestax products. These include for example crossfaders, faders, pitch faders, switches, RCA connectors, original turntable motors and other original spare parts. Check out our Helpdesk.
 Do you repair older Vestax products that are already under warranty?
- Yes, we repair products up to 1995 made. We will provide you with post-warranty service for any Vestax products. We have access to the world's largest spare parts database and component base. More information Service department.
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 I bought the Vestax and the manual is missing.
- For each new product Vestax (which was sold to the first user), instructions, software CD-ROMs, and other consumer information were provided. If you purchased the device at a bazaar or from another user, original manuals or installation and SW / FW updates can be obtained at a small fee in our e-shop (direct link here). This is a paid service.
 The product is not working properly, I need to get help.
- If you do not know the advice of any technical problem, please use our Helpdesk Service. If you are a customer with a registered product, that you purchased at our official sales network Vestax Europe, you also have a Hotline service. If you purchased the product elsewhere, you can get these services by purchasing a "Passport Full Access" VIP customer card. The VIP card can be purchased at our e-shop. Direct link to purchase is here.
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 What is Vestax Customer Card and what it serves?
- If you are not our permanent VIP customer (with registration), then the Vestax Customer Card (Passport Full Access) will bring you many benefits: premium virtual card authorizes you to access for Vestax HELPDESK services for easy acquisition original services manuals, update tech-informations, software files or firmware files for Vestax products. You will also get discounts on the purchase some of not discounted original spare parts. For all available benefits of Vestax Customer Card, please refer to product page on e-shop.
 Why should I subscribe the Vestax Customer Card ?
- By subscribing, you will help maintain the service for all owners of Vestax equipment. Our loyal VIP customers who shop with us on a regular basis have the HELPDESK service as part of a free shopping package, if they meet the terms of this service (every customer, who have purchased € 150 or more * in our store automatically receive the virtual Vestax Customer Card free of charge. The amount counts for purchases made in one calendar year).
Because we want to allow the same conditions for everyone, others customers have the option to subscribe to this HELPDESK service through the Vestax Customer Card. By subscribing to the HELPDESK service, you support retention for all owners of Vestax devices. Thank You for support.
 Why should i pay for the Vestax Customer Card ?
- We are not the original company Vestax (as you can find on our website). Japan's Vestax Corp. went bankrupt in 2014 and left without help thousands of its customers. No technical support, no opportunity to buy spare parts and repair Vestax devices...The owners of Vestax devices suddenly found themselves "out of the game"... We started providing our Vestax Megastore and Services as a replacement. We are not responsible for the failure of Vestax Japan and we also have no obligations to their earlier customers. We are just trying to help them. But this help cannot be free. We are not a foundation but a trading company. Therefore, we have several rules and one of them is that we provide some services only to our customers who buy from us.
In the past, a large number of our VIP & registered customers have objected to providing services for everyone free of charge. That's why we've introduced our Vestax Customer Card scheme; this will enable the availability of services for our registered customers but also for others customers under fair conditions. Thank You for support.
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 Is the same company as the manufacturer from Japan, Tokyo ?
- No, he went bankrupt in December 2014 (insolvency proceedings are ongoing). We took a company, that was the official distributor Vestax (we have an official agreement for brand representation and product distribution, which is still valid). Now we are gradually renewing it. E-shop and related services. We have also taken over their domains and websites. As the Vestax brand closed in Japan and apparently will not continue new production, it is not possible to get the new products elsewhere. The main trade business is the sale of various original spare parts Vestax, technical support and services, but Vestax isn´t our key business (we have completely different business interests, this is only a hobby or the nostalgia of our leadership). We don´t want brand awareness to disappear completely. Users still have the option to contact someone for replacement parts or technical support. But it is also necessary to say that we are not charity a business must thrive. We are currently redesign the website, we set up logistic process and we shape business tools.
 Why do you have so many Vestax items on stock (many years after the end Vestax Japan) ?
- The former European distributor had a big stock of spare parts and accessories but he had never used. Everything remained closed and intact for several years. Also, we bought supplies (only brand new parts) from other former worldwide dealers or private sellers. We had some new parts re-manufactured at our partner in manufacturing facility in Asia, because we have complete technical and production documentation. Therefore, we have important Vestax components and original spare parts still available (update June 2020).
 Future for the brand Vestax?
- The Japanese brand was in short trouble at the end of 2014 and in early 2015, insolvency proceedings were opened in Tokyo. Bankruptcy of Vestax Corporation Ltd. does not automatically absolute death of this brand forever. It will depend on the new investor who (for example) is interested in the legendary brand with more than 35 years of tradition. We believe the brand Vestax will come back once again; as the Terminator said, I'll be back ?
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